CPD Event

Hosted by Thomas Mignan, RCVS Specialist in Veterinary Neurology at Dovecote Veterinary Hospital.

Part 1: Pathophysiology and diagnosis

Part 2: Maintenance therapy and refractory epilepsy

Summary: Epilepsy is the common commonly encountered neurological presentation in first opinion practice however clinicians still face difficult questions: Is this a seizure? Which cases should I refer for MRI? When do I start anti-epileptic therapy? Which anti-epileptic medication do I prescribe? When do I add another medication? How do I monitor the response?

In this 2-hour CPD we will discuss and answer all these questions. Firstly, we will build confidence recognising and differentiating epileptic seizures from common mimics before establishing a rational and pragmatic diagnostic approach. Following this, we will review the guidelines, evidence, and protocols that underpin maintenance antiepileptic therapy and management of refractory epilepsy.